Many reasonably experienced coastal sailors (and motorboaters) find the prospect of sailing their boat to the continent appealing yet daunting.
There are so many additional aspects that all need to be taken into account and complied with that it can seem a forbidding prospect. This highly illustrated, accessible and user friendly book takes the boater though all the appropriate aspects in a hand-holding fashion, to dispel the mystique, and present the undertaking as one that is eminently achievable by anyone with basic boat-handling skills and navigational knowledge.
Topics covered: Navigation, Tides, Planning, Crew briefing, Safety information, Man Overboard drills, Obtaining weather information, Watchkeeping, Provisioning, Engine checks, Bureaucracy and form filling and much more.
With this book to hand, both skipper and crew will be well prepared to tackle all aspects of taking their own boat to foreign waters for what should be a hugely enjoyable and rewarding experience!