《名家名译:堂吉诃德(套装上下册)》描写一个没落贵族读骑士传奇小说后鬼迷心窍,决心复活中古时代的游侠骑士制。他化名堂吉诃德,穿上古老的盔甲,骑上一匹瘦马,带上农民侍从出门游侠。一路上把风车当巨人,把羊群当军队,吃了不少苦头,闹了不少笑话,最后无功而返。临终醒悟。小说深刻地反映了文艺复兴时期人文主义的理想,主人公成为世界文学史及社会思想史上不朽的典型,永远给人以不同的感受,给人以新的启迪。不同时代的人,不同生活经历的人,不同人生理想目标的人,都会有着不同的理解。(Don Quixote (Part I and II): Celebrated Translator Version is a novel that follows the adventures of a hidalgo who reads so many chivalric novels that he decides to set out to revive chivalry in the Middle Ages. He, under the name of Don Quixote, wears a suit of antiquated armor and rides a thin horse, searching an adventure outward with a farmer recruited as his attendant. They suffer a lot and make fools of themselves on their way: Don Quixote believes windmills are ferocious giantswhile flocks of sheep are troops. Finally,they return home without accomplishing anything. Don Quixote awakens to the truth on his deathbed. The novel deeply represents the humanism thought during the Renaissance. Don Quixote also becomes an immortal model in the history of world literature and social thought that gives us diversified feelings and novel inspirations. The image is understood in various ways in different era by people of different life experience and dreams.)
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