《大卫·科波菲尔》是狄更斯的一部代表作。在这部具有强烈自传色彩的小说里狄更斯借用"小大卫自身的历史和经验",从不少方面回顾和总结了自己的生活道路,反映了他的人生哲学和道德理想。《大卫·科波菲尔》在艺术上的魅力,不仅在于它有曲折生动的结构,或者跌宕起伏的情节,而且还在于它有一种现实的生活气息和抒情的叙事风格。这部作品吸引人的是那有血有肉、丰满逼真的人物形象,具体生动的世态人情。狄更斯也是一位幽默大师,小说的字里行间,常常可以读到他那诙谐风趣的连珠妙语和夸张的漫画式的人物勾勒。评论家认为《大卫·科波菲尔》的成就,超过了狄更斯所有的其他作品。(David Copperfield,a magnum opus of Charles Dickens, is the most autobiographical of his novels. Dickens reviews and concludes his own life path within "history and experience of the little David", mirroring his life philosophy and modal ideal. The artistic charm of this novel is contained in its twists and turns in structure, ups and downs in plot as well as its breath of real life and lyrical narrative style. This novel attracts readers by lifelike and enriched characters as well as specific and vivid description of the society and human feelings. Dickens is also a master of humor teller, who places humorous wit and comic-type exaggerated figures among his words.This novel is believed by critics as the greatest work of Dickens.)
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