《欧·亨利短篇小说集》收录了欧·亨利最负盛名的短篇小说,多以20世纪初的纽约为背景,集中展现了世纪之交的时代风貌。作者敏锐地将社会热点问题剥离出来,以优雅和精练的语言加以艺术再现。《欧·亨利短篇小说集》主人公多是小职员、警察、流浪汉和贫穷艺术家之类的小人物,但同时又是恩爱的夫妻、守信的友人、舍己为人的平民英雄等。小说构思精致机巧,情节张弛有度,结局往往出人意料,整体风格乐观诙谐,行文间充满机智。(A Short Story Collection of O.Henry collects the most famous short stories of O.Henry, most of which make a concentrated display of age's appearance at the turn of the century with taking the city of New York in the early time of 20th century as the background. The author keenly splits off social hotspots and artistically represents them with elegant and refined words. Protagonists of A Short Story Collection of O.Henry are mainly nobodies, such as small clerks, policemen, tramps and poor artists, meanwhile these persons are harmonious couples, faithful friends, self giving civilian heroes, etc. The stories are skillfully constructed, the plots are with great relaxation, and the ends always surpass expectation. The whole style is optimistic and humorous, and the words are full of cleverness. )
- English
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