本书通过轻松有趣的故事,引出一系列投资理财的观念和方法,从最直观的角度阐述最直接的投资问题,将繁杂的投资理论和方法简化,帮助你创造出平凡人的投资神话。本书分别从投资理财者的心态和投资工具的具体应用方法,以及科学的投资理财观念等方面进行了介绍,完全呈现给读者一部实用、全面的理财指南。(By presenting light and interesting stories, the book introduces a series of ideas and methods for investment and financial management, expounds the investment issues most directly from a most visual angle, simplifies the complicated investment theories and methods and helps them to create an investment legend of ordinary people. Respectively from the mood of those for investment and financial management, particular applications of investment instruments and ideas for scientific investment and financial management, the book completely presents to the readers the practical and comprehensive guidelines for financial management.)
- English
- 中文(简体)