"王羲之为什么要以帖换鹅呢?"每每听到这个问题时,好奇的同学都会产生这样的疑问。说起王羲之,相信很多同学都知道,他是我国历史上最有名的书法家,被誉为"书圣"。王羲之有一个特殊的爱好——非常喜欢鹅。平日里他喜欢养鹅和观察鹅,并通过观察鹅的叫声和神态,将其中的感悟融入其书法艺术中。他所写的鹅字一笔而过,称为"一笔鹅"。("Why did Wang Xizhi want to exchange goose with the note?" The curious pupils will have the question while listening to the question. It is believed that many pupils know him when Wang Xizhi is mentioned. He was the most famous calligrapher in Chinese history, reputed as "Holy Calligrapher". He had a special hobby – he liked goose very much. In ordinary days he liked to raise and observe goose, integrating the inspiration into the calligraphy through observing the cry and expression of goose. The Chinese character "E" written by him was finished in one stroke, being called "one-stroke-E".)
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