Love's sweet refrain?
Appointed to head Atlanta's first–ever jazz festival, go–to marketing guru Michael 'MJ' Jane sets out to create an annual event to rival New Orleans. Even if that means hiring her irresistible crush Jamal Carver to run security...The former marine with the killer smile and amazing abs also happens to be her best friend's husband's confidant. But despite their sizzling attraction, she refuses to become the playboy's latest conquest.
The driven, desirable bachelorette makes the decorated marine long to hang up his own bachelor status. It's getting harder for Jamal to keep things strictly business between them – can't MJ see they 0; } function isWindows() { return window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Win/) && !bowser.windowsphone; } function isKindle() { return window.OverDrive.isKindle; } function renderFooter(elementId, reactRenderFunctions) { var canPromoteApps = hasDownloadableFormats() && !window.OverDrive.isTolinoDevice && !window.OverDrive.optimizeForChina; var showLibbyPromo = canPromoteApps && usesLibby; var showSoraPromo = canPromoteApps && usesSora; var showOverDrivePromo = canPromoteApps && !showLibbyPromo && !showSoraPromo; var advantageKey = 'null'; reactRenderFunctions.renderFooter(elementId, { advantageKey: advantageKey, disableWishlist: window.featureManager.isEnabled('disableWishlist'), gacEnabled: false, hasLinkedCards: window.OverDrive.hasLinkedCards, isAuthenticated: window.OverDrive.isAuthenticated, isConsortium: false, isDlr: true, isGdprCountry: window.OverDrive.isGdprCountry, isGhostLoginEnabled: window.featureManager.isEnabled('ghostLogin'), languages: [ { name: 'English', localeCode: 'en' }, { name: '中文(简体)', localeCode: 'zh-Hans' }, ], libraryHomeUrl: '', libraryKey: 'auckland', libraryName: window.OverDrive.libraryName, librarySupportEmail: window.OverDrive.librarySupportEmail, librarySupportUrl: window.OverDrive.librarySupportUrl, ntcMode: false, openLinksInNewWindow: !window.OverDrive.inApp, optimizeForChina: window.OverDrive.optimizeForChina, parentAccountKey: 'auckland', sampleOnlyMode: window.featureManager.isEnabled('sampleOnlyMode'), showHolds: window.featureManager.isEnabled('content-holds'), showKindlePromo: window.featureManager.isEnabled('kindleFooter'), showLibbyPromo: showLibbyPromo, showOverDrivePromo: showOverDrivePromo, showOverDriveWindowsLink: !window.featureManager.isEnabled('removeWindowsFromLibbyTout'), showReadingHistory: window.OverDrive.showHistoryFeature, showStarRating: window.featureManager.isEnabled('show-star-ratings'), showSoraPromo: showSoraPromo, simplifiedNavigationBar: window.featureManager.isEnabled('simplifiedNavigationBar'), socialFacebookUrl: '', socialPinterestUrl: '', socialTwitterUrl: '', socialYouTubeUrl: '' }); } function renderLibbyFooterPromo(elementId, reactRenderFunctions) { var tabletSupportsLibby = !window.OverDrive.isUnsupportedKindle; if(window.OverDrive.isTolinoDevice) { //Do not display promos return; } if(window.featureManager.isEnabled('ODAppSunsetLibbyFooterPromo') && window.OverDrive.inApp && usesLibby && !window.featureManager.isEnabled('sampleOnlyMode')) { //Render the OverDrive App Sunset Footer Promo var isSunsetMayDateSet = window.featureManager.isEnabled('sunset-date-set'); var isSunsetKoreaDateSet = window.featureManager.isEnabled('odsunset-korea-2023'); reactRenderFunctions.renderODAppSunsetLibbyFooterPromo(elementId, { isWindows: isWindows(), isKindle: isKindle(), isSunsetMayDateSet: isSunsetMayDateSet, isSunsetKoreaDateSet: isSunsetKoreaDateSet, tabletSupportsLibby: tabletSupportsLibby }); } else if(window.featureManager.isEnabled('libby-footer-promo') && tabletSupportsLibby) { var isGeoIDCEnabled = window.featureManager.isEnabled('geo-idc'); //Render the Generic Libby Footer Promo or Tourism Footer Promo isGeoIDCEnabled ? reactRenderFunctions.renderTourismLibbyFooterPromo(elementId, { isKindle: isKindle(), }) : reactRenderFunctions.renderGenericLibbyFooterPromo(elementId, { isKindle: isKindle() }); } } function renderPartnerLibraries(elementId, reactRenderFunctions) { var partnerLibraries = [ ]; if (window.featureManager.isEnabled('reciprocalLending') && partnerLibraries.length > 0) { reactRenderFunctions.renderPartnerLibraries(elementId, { libraryName: window.OverDrive.libraryName, partnerLibraries: partnerLibraries }); } } onReactComponentsReady(function (event) { renderPartnerLibraries('footer-partner-libraries', event.detail); renderLibbyFooterPromo('footer-libby-promo', event.detail); renderFooter('footer-redesign', event.detail); }); })();
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