Quantum Computing sets the stage for a revolutionary advancement in all of the 10 scenarios on the preceding slide.
Speech recognition software will transcribe the spoken word more accurately than typing health data into a laptop.
Technology will contain software that monitors your health continuously.
DNA mapping will advance to the stage that diseases will be identified before they occur, and eliminated at the point of identification.
Pharmaceuticals will target, control and eliminate chronic diseases.
Say goodbye to health insurance companies as we know them. They will morph into monitoring stations where software analyzes a procedure, assigns a code and bills the payer – most probably the government.
Transportation will include solar powered cars, flying cars and amphibious cars. Trains will run in tubes under the ground.
Food supplies will keep up with demand. New agricultural methods will be adopted. Food will be grown on the moon.
Housing will have wall -to-wall TV screens that will respond to the spoken voice and control the household.
Retail will be in a virtual reality mode.
The workplace will create enough new jobs to make up for lost manufacturing jobs. The new jobs will be robotic and technology driven.
Government will become more intrusive and be the payer for most of healthcare.
Branch banks will be reduced and financial transactions will be technology driven with a common world-wide currency competing with the US dollar and Chinese Renminbi.
Climate change will narrow with the advent of newer technologies.
The next war will be fought on economic fronts. Weapons will include an ability to stop anything electric.