The Arizona Vengeance is hockey's hottest new team. But hockey's hottest goalie is learning that even the best players sometimes need an assist.
Everything is clicking for the Vengeance. We may be new, but we're well on our way to winning the championship, and I'm having the time of my life headlining the sports media as the hottest goalie—hell, player—ever. I for one am going to live up to my name . . . because I am Legend Bay.
Dragging my ass home from the gym, I'm blinded by some gaudy, glowing holiday lights. As usual, my hot-as-hell neighbor Pepper Nantais has gone way over the top. But just as I'm about to tell her off, something else catches my eye . . . Seems like Santa left me a present, and not one I was expecting.
As life takes an unexpected turn, I realize that there's much more to Pepper than meets the eye. Sure, she's gorgeous. And exasperating. And her taste in decorating may be a bit . . . unique.
But beneath her carefree demeanor is a fierce determination and a heart of gold. And before I know it I've fallen for her. Hard . . .
Pepper is exactly the woman I never knew I needed.