Mindful and mindful.org is a groundbreaking publisher dedicated to helping you live mindfully. The simple practice of being in the moment brings out the best in who you are.
Reasons to Hope
Welcome to mindful
Open Hearted • We asked how you connect with compassion. Here’s what you shared.
TOP OF mind • Catch some highlights from the world of mindfulness.
ACTS OF kindness
How to Garden Year-Round
THE WISDOM OF DAYDREAMING • Sharon Ross was trapped in a toxic marriage. Her daydreams offered a map to a more fulfilling and joyful life.
You’re Bigger Than the Present Moment • “Every present moment is like a beautiful gem,” says Dr. Julia Mossbridge. “And its fractals contain every other moment.”
Have a Safe Trip! • Mindfullness and Psychedelic Therapy
Befriend Your Body • When we constantly fuel the belief that our body is wrong or not good enough, it’s not only painful—it can damage our physical and mental health. But we can’t force the idea of loving the body. Rather, the key is to gently befriend it.
Regulating for Self-Kindness
A SPARK OF Light • Sometimes, the weight of the world seems to smother our light within. How can we let it shine bright from the inside out? By turning toward our inner experience.
Keep your inner flame burning BRIGHT • This short practice offers a way to experiment with self-compassion.
SPEAK UP! YOUR VOICE MATTERS • Does it sometimes feel safer or easier to stay silent than say what you think? Conflict management expert Elaine Lin Hering shares how, by unraveling what’s often behind the belief that our voice doesn’t matter, we can step more fully into our power.
WIDEN Your Lens • When issues we care about are at stake, we tend to retreat into an either- or mentality. Yet, from a neuroscience perspective, we become more thoughtful and make wiser decisions when we open our mind to possibility.
Be the Change
Embrace What’s Broken
Center Love and Liberation
Meet It With Love
Celebrate Who You Are
Find Your Strength
Come Home to the Body
Create New Paths
Hold It Lightly
Keep Your Heart Open
Tell a New Story
I See You, I Hear You, I Feel You
THE ENERGY OF LOVE • Sharon Salzberg has dedicated much of her life to teaching people how to practice compassion in a troubled world, beginning with the self and radiating out to others. In this excerpt from her book Real Life, she explores the meaning of radical love, the wisdom of boundaries, and the possibility of expanding from fear into joy.
double down on love
Finding Our Way to Compassion • Compassion is central to our human heritage, and today it offers a wellspring of healing for a fractured world. Caren Osten Gerszberg explores the emerging science of compassion, revealing how mindful practices can deepen the ways in which we care for others and—not least—for ourselves.
Global Compassion Coalition
Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education
Find the Mindful Path That’s Right for You
7 Retreats for 2025 • From nourishing at-home programs to nature-soaked getaways, mindfulness retreats come in all shapes and sizes. These sponsored retreats make it a breeze to embrace your most mindful year yet!
BOOKMARK THIS read…listen…stream • The Mindful editors review 10 of their all-time favorite books about mindfulness. Whether you’re interested in learning the foundations of mindful living, deepening your...