Taako, Magnus, and Merle are forced to gamble everything in The Adventure Zone: The Suffering Game, a hilarious and heart-wrenching adaptation of the explosively popular D&D podcast! As we enter the home stretch of this campaign, there's never been a better time to join the party! And if you're a fan of Critical Role and Dimension 20, then this here's a bet that'll sure to pay off.
Our heroes are finally nearing the end of their quest to collect the seven Grand Relics, dangerous magical artifacts which threaten the world as they know it. The penultimate item on their adventuring to-do list is the Animus Bell, which The Director tells them is hidden at the heart of Wonderland, a carnival of torment. Once inside, the boys will have their shot at winning the Bell...but each step forward comes at a horrible cost. And the deeper they go ― the closer they get ― the higher a price they'll pay.
And if they can secure the Bell, surely then the worst will be over, right? Surely they'll go back up to their Moonbase in the sky, and hand the Bell over to The Director, and Bureau life will return to normal while they begin their hunt for the final relic, right? They're so close to the end, after all, and they've gone through so much to get this far. There can't possibly be any further surprises in store...
Praise for The Adventure Zone series:
"Topping the New York Times bestseller list and building out its stories in fascinating new ways . . . it's become a cultural phenomenon." —Entertainment Weekly
"Full of charm and snark and wit. Join the party!" —Felicia Day, author of Embrace Your Inner Weird
"The Adventure Zone is fun, hilarious, and also smart. Hey, guys, can I have a cameo next time?" —Adam Savage, MythBusters
"My excitement about this existing cannot be dwarfed by anything. You see what I did there." —Jean Grae, hip-hop artist, actor, and comedian
"Gorgeous art—the characters come to life! I am so happy that this graphic novel is a thing that exists in the world." —Hank Green, author of Crash Course and The Lizzie Bennet Diaries
Books in The Adventure Zone series:
The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins (Book 1)
The Adventure Zone: Murder on the Rockport Limited (Book 2)
The Adventure Zone: Petals to the Metal (Book 3)
The Adventure Zone: The Crystal Kingdom (Book 4)
The Adventure Zone: The Eleventh Hour (Book 5)
The Adventure Zone: The Suffering Game (Book 6)
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