The story of the lost wonders of New Zealand's natural history: the extinct species that are now gone forever. Lost Wonders also features some key species that are on the brink - critically endangered - and the efforts that are being made to save them for future generations.
moa piopio huia laughing owl grayling meriki Hutton's rail Haast's eagle Chatham Island bellbird bush wren adzebill Chatham Islands fernbird Eyles' harrier greater short-tailed bat Hawkins' rail kawekaweau koreke Lyall's wren moho South Island snipe whekau
These are just some of the lost wonders of Aotearoa. Here are their stories.
Featured species include those that are long gone, such as New Zealand's dinosaurs; those that disappeared following the human habitation of New Zealand, including the moa, piopio, huia, laughing owl and native fish the grayling; those that were lost and found, such as the takahe, taiko, the flowering vine Tecomanthe speciosa and the weevils of Canterbury; and those at risk of extinction: among them the kakapo, Maui dolphin, kauri and whitebait.